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Handles bootstrap style field validation and handles related aria attributes.

Manages the rendering of bootstrap-style:

  • Help text
  • Valid and invalid feedback

For children of type input, textarea, and select:

  • Appends bootstrap validation class names
  • Appends aria-describedby attributes (for help text and feedback)

basic usage

Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.

invalid message

Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.

valid message

Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.

with any kind of input

Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.

Props API#

ValidationFormGroup Props API
  • for string Required

    Id of the form input that the validation is for

  • className string

    Additional classnames for this component

  • invalid bool

    Determines if invalid styles / message will be shown

  • valid bool

    Determines if invalid styles / message will be shown

  • validMessage node

    Message to display on valid input

  • invalidMessage node

    Message to display on invalid input

  • helpText node

    Help text for the form input

  • children node

    Specifies contents of the component.

Usage Insights#


Project NameParagon VersionInstance Count