A component for all user input. It is responsible for rendering select, textarea, and inputs of any type with the appropriate bootstrap class name.
Extra props supplied to Input will be passed through to the html node.
Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.
Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.
Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.
Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.
Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.
Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.
Props API#
- type
'textarea' | 'select' | 'checkbox' | 'color' | 'date' | 'datetime' | 'datetime-local' | 'email' | 'file' | 'hidden' | 'image' | 'month' | 'number' | 'password' | 'radio' | 'range' | 'reset' | 'search' | 'submit' | 'tel' | 'text' | 'time' | 'url' | 'week' Requiredspecifies the type of component. One of select, textarea, or any valid type for an html input tag.
- className
specifies the className in addition to a bootstrap class name.
- options
Default[]should be used to specify the options of an Input of type select
Usage Insights#
Project Name | Paragon Version | Instance Count | |
frontend-app-account | 20.46.3 | 1 | |
frontend-app-admin-portal | 20.46.3 | 20 | |
frontend-app-learner-portal-enterprise | 20.45.4 | 1 | |
frontend-app-learner-portal-programs | 20.45.5 | 1 | |
frontend-app-learning | 20.46.0 | 1 | |
frontend-app-support-tools | 20.46.0 | 17 | |
catalog-search | 20.45.0 | 6 | |
frontend-learner-portal-base | 12.2.0 | 1 | |
prospectus | 20.46.2 | 3 |